­­­­­Micro Seven Inc. model IP105 and IP105-3, IP Alarm Monitor
 monitors Contact-ID alarm messages and transmits at RS232 interface and stores in EEROM for later analysis. No PC needed for stand-alone operation.

Copyrights Micro Seven, Inc., 2017, 2023



Micro Seven, Inc. model IP105, IP Alarm Monitor provides RS232 interface for monitoring and recording Contact-ID alarm messages that are transmitted by alarm panels to alarm receivers in central station. IP105 may be operated without PC for recording alarm messages into EEROMs. History data remains in IP105, and it may be uploaded to PC. IP105-3 provides selection of three different alarm message protocols.


The front view of IP105 with power connector, telephone connector and green-colored power indicator is shown above.

The rear view of IP105 with RS232 connector is shown above picture.




-RS232 interface Provide Internet reporting by adding IP105 at remote alarm panel or at central station

-Compatible with Ademco Contact-ID-compatible alarm panel (IP105) or Multi-protocol alarm panel (IP105-3)

-History file created in IP105

Input impedance: 10k ohms for 300-3000 Hz signals.


RS232 interface:

115200 baud, 8 bit data bits, no parity, and one stop bit


Power input:


Power input, 2.1mm jack with center positive

Power requirement: 12VDC @200mA by provided AC/DC power adapter


Power indicator located next to phone connector


Green LED flashing every second




RJ11-C, telephone connector

RS232 interface

Factory Reset switch, The factory condition is obtained by powering up while push the Factory Reset switch that is located next to power input connector.


History file created by IP105X

The size of history file is programmable using the control software, alarmmonitorRS232.exe. The factory default is 130 messages with “1F” in the edit window. Maximum 650 messages may be recorded with “7F” in the edit window.




DC-05 digital communication standard (contact-ID), SIA-FSK Format 1, or Pulse 4+2 format. The protocol is selected by using IPPROG7.exe.



Provided components:

1.    IP programming software, IPPROG7.exe

For programming server IP address and port, date/time zone, protocol selection, other programming parameters in DC09 format.

2.    RS232 monitor software, alarmmonitorRS232.exe
The sample screen is shown below: The screen on the left side is real-time showing of received alarm messages, date/time, and decoded alarm messages. The screen on the right side is displaying history data that is stored in IP105 after the “Read History Data ---” button is clicked. In the history file, alarm messages and date/time are stored.




1.    International AC/DC power adapter for 90-240VAC, 50/60Hz input power with four different power plugs (US, Europe, UK and Australia)

2.    IP Server for receiving IP messages from a dedicated IP105.

The sample screen after receiving IP messages from IP105 is shown below. In the large screen, complete DC09-type alarm messages are displayed.




3.    ER15A, Ethernet/Network based hardware IP receiver, which does not require PC connection. All received messages are stored in ER15A as history data.

RS232 monitor software, alarmmonitorRS232.exe, is required to read history data or to display real-time received data on screen.

4.    DC09 message encryption for U.S. customers. It requires IP105-ENQ and decryption server ( IP105serverENQ or ER15AENQ).

The key may be selected among 128, 192, and 256 bit. Both encryption keys in IP105ENQ and a IP server must be matched to receive decrypted alarm messages from received encrypted alarm messages from IP105ENQ.


Environmental: Operating temperature: 0 to 35 degree C, Humidity: 85% RH at 35 degree C

Warranty/Service: 6 months limited warranty.


Made in U.S.A.


Micro Seven, Inc.

Home Page: www.microseveninc.com

Email: sales@microseveninc.com

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