MICRO SEVEN MODEL AP100, PC-ALARM PANEL OR ALARM-PANEL SIMULATOR, contains four dialers for Contact-ID, SIA-FORMAT, and pulse 4X2 FOR SENDING ALARM MESSAGES from PC with RS232 interface.

Copyright 2023 Micro Seven, Inc.


Micro Seven Model AP100, PC-Alarm Panel or Alarm-Panel Simulator, transmits Contact-ID, Pulse 4X2 or SIA-FORMAT alarm messages to alarm receivers by starting commands sent at RS232C interface in PC. PC sends ASCII alarm message for Contact-ID and Pulse 4X2 or Hexadecimal messages to AP100. PC also sends telephone number to AP100. Since the alarm messages, telephone numbers, and AP100 Control Register for storing programming parameters are stored in non-volatile memory in AP100, so single ASCII command at RS232C interface starts alarm reporting process. After AP100 dials a telephone number for a receiver, the receiver answers the call and transmits the handshake tones. Depending on which protocol mode that is selected, AP100 transmits one of three protocol messages to alarm receiver. AP100 sends status messages back to PC. If the alarm reporting is not successful, AP100 transmits a different status message to PC. Transmission of alarm messages is repeated for four times if AP100 does not receive positive acknowledge tone. The whole sequence, which involves re-dialing of telephone number, may be repeated for three times. AP100 contains audio monitor internally to hear dialing process, handshake signals, alarm signal transmission, and acknowledge tone/kiss-off tone. Internal EEROM provides auto-dialer function with provided 104 port auto dialer software.


RS232C interface:  115200 baud, no parity, and 8-bit character, no handshakes

DTMF tone frequencies:
Transmitting DTMF tone frequencies at AP100 are accurate within -0.027% of the specifications. And their transmitting DTMF tones amplitude is selected for high or low power output level (see AP100control register below for programming transmission level).

The measured DTMF frequencies for the factory default values are as follows while the standard values are in parenthesis:
 696 Hz (697Hz), 769Hz (770Hz), 851Hz (851Hz), 941Hz (941Hz), 1212Hz (1209Hz), 1334Hz (1336Hz), 1481Hz (1477Hz), and 1633Hz (1633Hz)

Programming and real-time operations without auto-dialer:

Line Selection Open Command: L +(line number, 1-4)

Note: Line Open Command opens dedicated communication between PC and one dialer in AP100 for programming auto-dialer or sending commands to only one line.

Line Selection Close Command: #####

Note: Line Selection Close Command closes dedicated communication between PC and selected dialer. Commands are transmitted to all lines at once. For example, ##### and G starts dialing and sending messages at all four lines.

Telephone number entry: D<telephone number-maximum fifteen digits><CR>
for example D5035551212<CR> for dialing 5035551212. Note <CR> is a carriage return.
Warning: each telephone number digit must be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *, #, or , (comma). Note: comma adds two seconds delay between digits.

Alarm message entry for Contact-ID or Pulse 4X2:

S( in maximum 15 ASCII characters for Contact-ID or 6 ASCII characters for Pulse 4X2)<CR> for Contact-ID or Pulse 4X2
Note: AP100 prepares checksum at the end of string for Contact-ID.

Warning: ASCII character for Contact-ID must be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, B, C, D, E, or F. All other character may result in failed transmissions. Please note that ‘A’ is an illegal character for Contact-ID alarm message.

Warning: ASCII character for Pulse 4+2 must be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.  All other character may result in failed transmissions.

Alarm message entry for SIA-FORMAT:
Because alarm message for SIA-FORMAT contains binary number, input requires hexadecimal number. It is memory write command for storing memory address 0D0H or 0xD0. The memory address is 0D0h, 0D1H, 0D2H, 0D3H, 0D4H------. The end of message is indicated by 0FFH.
For example, sending an address block data of 4
6 23 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 requires the following:
Note: The column parity byte is automatically prepared and attached at the end of message by AP100.

New entry format is also available to enter hexadecimal notation with ‘S’ header as follows:

S(hexadecimal two character ASCII) (hexadecimal two character ASCII)-----.
For example, sending an address block data of 46 23 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 requires the following:
Note: The column-parity byte is automatically prepared and attached at the end of message by AP100.

Protocol selection:
W7F00 for selecting Contact-ID, W7F01 for selecting SIA-FORMAT, or W7F02 for selecting Pulse 4X2.

Start alarm reporting: G
Start alarm reporting process by dialing the telephone number, receive handshake tones, transmit data blocks, and receive kiss-off tones.

Hang-up command or Abort command: A
Turn off off-hook relay or abort alarm-reporting process.

Repeat alarm message command: B
It transmits alarm message again. Transmitting alarm messages must be programmed prior to sending this repeat alarm message command.

Reading telephone-number command: T
AP20 transmits programmed telephone numbers to PC.

Reading alarm-message command: U
AP20 transmits programmed data block to PC in hexadecimal notation.

Continuous message transmission mode without turning off telephone relay:
Instead of transmitting single message, multiple messages are transmitted by sending “WACB2”.

Single message transmission mode:

Multiple message transmission mode:

Status messages when the status message is enabled using the demo software.

The bit 5 of AP100control register 3 (EEROM address AB) is on, the following status message is output.

S00    Turning on telephone relay

S01    Begin to dial

S02    Receiving the Contact-ID handshake signal

S05    Transmission of Contact-ID message

S0A    Hanging up the telephone line by turning off the telephone relay

The bit 7 of the control register is on, no audio on the speaker is produced.


Writing and reading data memory:

W(hexadecimal notation of address)(hexadecimal notation of byte), i.e. W2001 for writing 01 at data memory address hex 20.
R(hexadecimal notation of address), i.e. R55 for outputting 01

Note: on power-up, data memory at addresses A0-AF is loaded by data in the same addresses of EEROM.

Writing and reading EEROM:

M(hexadecimal notation of address)(hexadecimal notation of byte), i.e. M2001 for writing 01 at EEROM address hex 20.Confirmation of “C” is received.
Q(hexadecimal notation of address), i.e. Q55 for outputting 01


AP70ControlRegister (both EEROM and data memory address AB): note: the factory default condition is all bits with zeros.

Bit 7: Disable Audio at speaker when it is on. Factory default condition is off for enabling the audio speaker.
Bit 6: Enable Debug Messages, which replaces regular messages with special debug messages, with factory default condition for disabled.
Bit 5: Replace regular messages with messages with “M”, with factory default condition for disabled.
Bit 0: Auto-dialer with factory default condition for disabled.

DTMF Register

DTMF Register in non-volatile memory determines on and off times of DTMF generation of alarm messages.

Each increment is 10 ms, and the factory default condition is 5 for 50ms on and off timing. Ademco specification limits 50ms minimum and 60 ms maximum. The command format is:

MA5 n1 n2

For example, MA506 selects 60 ms on/off times.

The content of DTMF Register may be done by "RA5", and AP100 returns "06".

Tone detect register

Tone detect register is threshold value for detecting handshake and kiss-off tones for long-distance telephone calls.

Control Register, which resides in non-volatile memory, is one byte data memory. It is written by the following command:

MAC n1 n2, where n1 n2 form one byte in hexadecimal notation

Note: "MACB0" programs the factory default conditions.

Status of the control register is performed by entering "RAC", and AP100 returns "50".

Bit 7: "1" selects higher signal power output (0 dBm) for alarm message, and "0" selects lower signal power output (-12 dBm). The factory default is "0" to select –12dBm.

Bit 6: "1" disables input signal amplification (x4) for detecting weak handshake and kiss-off tones, and "0" enables input signal amplification. The factory default is "0".

Bit 5: "1" disables storing telephone number in non-volatile memory for telephone number input command, and "0" is for storing telephone number in non-volatile memory. The factory default is "0" for enabling non-volatile memory operation.

Bit 4: "1" disables detection of busy tone, and "0" enables detection of busy tone. Note; The busy-tone detection when enabled is between time period for 2.5 seconds after the end of dialing. The factory is "1" for disabling busy-tone detection.

Bit 3: "1" selects rotary-pulse dialing, and "0" selects DTMF dialing of telephone numbers. The factory default is "0" for DTMF dialing.

Bit 2: "1" disables re-dialing of telephone numbers when "MESSAGE FAILED" is generated. "0" enables re-dialing of telephone number for maximum times. The factory default is "0" for re-dialing telephone numbers when "MESSAGE FAILED" is displayed.

Bit 1: "1" keeps telephone line off-hook after successful delivery of alarm messages. "0" enables hanging up the line after successful of alarm messages. The factory default is "0" for hanging up the line.

Bit 0: "1" disables re-dialing telephone numbers when message "CALL FAILED" is displayed. "0" enables re-dialing telephone numbers. The factory default is "0" for re-dialing telephone numbers.

Handshake tone detection: 1400/2300Hz for Contact-ID, 1400Hz for Pulse 4X2, or 2225Hz for SIA-FORMAT


Signal transmission of data block for SIA-FORMAT: 300 baud or 110 baud selectable
Parity bit (9th bit): enabled/disabled
Wrong column parity: enabled/disabled
Acknowledge tone detection: 2025Hz for positive acknowledgement and 2225Hz for negative acknowledgement.

Messages received from AP100:


Note: <CR> is a hex 0D.

J+(1-4) <space>(“T” +time stamp) <space>(“P”+One-digit Protocol)<space>(“#” +Dialed telephone number)<space> (“M”+(Alarm Messages in ASCII)<space>>”MESSAGE SUCCESS”<CR>

Note: Because SIA-FSK format contains binary data, hexadecimal noted data is transmitted for alarm messages.

Auto-Dialer Operation:

Auto-dialer operation is started or stopped with the AP100 programming software, AP100Program.exe. Once started the auto-dialer, PC is not required for auto-dialer except emails are not transmitted notifying “CALL FAILED” messages.

Message example of auto-dialer operation:

L000 J4 T00002A #234567890 P0 M123456789012345 MESSAGE SUCCESS

J4 T0000FC #234567890 P0 M234567890123456 MESSAGE SUCCESS

Front and rear panels:

Power switch

Power indicator

DC power input, DC12V, 200 mA

RS232C interface connector, 9-pin D-sub, female

Four RJ11 connectors

Line indicators (four)

AC/DC Adapter

Dimensions: 19 cm (4") W x 4.5 cm (1.75") H x 10 cm (7.5") L

Weight: 750g (1.65 LBS)

Environmental: Operating temperature with power on: 0 to 35 degree C, Humidity: 85% RH at 35 degree C, storage temperature and operating temperature without power on

Warranty period: six months

The screen for demo program, AP100DEMO1.EXE, for Contact-ID mode is shown below:


Here is an example of demo1:

(clear any PC to any line connection)

(Selecting line 4)

(setting the Control Register for the multiple message transmission mode)

(selecting Contact-ID mode)

(Dialing 092)

(Contact-ID message, note that only fifteen-digit entry after ‘S’, and carriage return (0dh))

(Go for dialing the telephone number and sending the Contact ID message)

Transmitted data from AP100:

J4 T00060C #092 P0 M123456789012345 MESSAGE SUCCESS

Note: There is a carriage return character with hex 0D at the end of the message:

J4: fourth jack in AP100
T00060C: time stamp value, five-digit hexadecimal number incrementing each second
#092 : dialed telephone number
P0: contact-ID protocol
M123456789012345: Contact-ID message

Second message:

(next Contact-ID message to be transmitted)

(Transmit the Contact-ID message, ‘B’ is equivalent for ‘G’ without dialing )

(Reply from AP100 indicating line 4)

(Reply from AP100)

 T092 P0 M234567890123456
(Reply from AP100 and dialed telephone number and transmitted message)

(next Contact-ID message to be transmitted)

(Transmit the Contact-ID message, ‘B’ is equivalent for ‘G’ without dialing )


(Reply from AP100 indicating line 4)


(Reply from AP100)

 T092 P0 M345678901212345
(Reply from AP100 and dialed telephone number and transmitted message)

(Hang-up the telephone line and end the process)

Auto dialer programming software for AP100 dialer option is shown below. Multiple messages are transmitted in one call. Protocol mode, telephone number and alarm messages are downloaded into AP100 for auto-dialing mode, which does not require PC for it. The dialer option provides programming of up to 104 lines. The second window display programs line programming among lines 24 and 52. Third window and fourth window programs lines 53-81 and 82 to 104 lines respectively. The AP100 dialer software produces history files with real-time data inside PC. The AP100 dialer runs independently from the AP100 dialer software.

IP Option for AP100:

The auto-dialer results are sent to two IP Receivers via Internet. In case of CALL FAILED, email is also transmitted. Consecutive emails for CALL FAILED are disabled until MESSAGE SUCCESS is received.

The first screen is for port 9999. The second screen is for port 9998. All received messages are stored in a file in your PC.



Other applications of AP100/Auto-dialer:

Alarm Central Station Tester with four AP100s dialing over two thousand telephone numbers and sending all alarm messages for testing telephone lines and alarm receivers at central stations.

Block diagram of CP100 system, where PC for programming telephone number, alarm protocol, and alarm messages. Internet is for receiving error reports and see progress reports:

Micro Seven, Inc.

Portland, OR

