Micro Seven Inc. model
CT10, and CM10 Low-cost alarm-receiver
Seven, Inc. model CT10, and CM10 for the Ademco® Alarm-Receiver (registered
trade mark by ADEMCO Group, a division of Pittway) with Contact ID Protocol provides
functions of generation of handshake tones and kiss-off tones, receiving alarm
messages, check-sum calculation, and transmitting alarm messages in ASCII
format at RS232C interface to a PC. Alarm receiver software is provided.
or CM10 is shown in above picture.
i Sur-Gard
Automation Protocol compatible
i Small, 3" x
1.5" x 4.5"
i Low-cost
i AC/DC Operation
i Low cost, and portable
i Security
Industry Association’s Ademco® Contact ID Protocol
i Handshake and
kiss-off tones
i RS232C interface
to transmit alarm messages to PC and the control software to program
many parameters including telephone numbers
i Checksum
calculation of received alarm messages
i Caller-ID
i Car battery
adapter and 230 volt power options
i Alarm receiver
i Dialing and
relaying alarm messages to other alarm receiving as an optional feature
i 6 month warranty
and benefit of alarm receiver
i Demonstration
and testing alarm control panels at factories and fields
i No alarm
receivers required for testing alarm control panels
i Complete testing
of alarm panels before the installation
i No PBX or local
telephone service needed for CM10
and CT200: contains regular telephone line interface.
simulated telephone line to interface alarm panel with a piece of telephone
DTMF detecting signal
power for alarm messages: -23dBm to +5dBm per a frequency with maximum 4dB
difference between frequencies
Alarm message DTMF
signal on time (Burst ON time): 50 ms minimum
Alarm message DTMF
signal off time (Burst OFF time): 50 ms minimum 400 ms maximum
Note: Contact ID
protocol requires Burst ON and OFF times to be 50 ms minimum and 60 ms maximum.
Handshake tones:
1400: 1400+/- 1Hz,
duration of 100 ms +/- 1.5 ms, silence period of 100 ms +/- 1.5 ms, and
2300Hz: 2300+/-2 Hz
duration of 100 ms +/- 1.5 ms
Kiss-off tones:
1400 +/- 1 Hz with
duration of 750 ms
Line Input Jacks:
USOC-RJ11-C, standard modular phone jack
Characteristics for
Ring signal detector:
Signal isolation:
telephone coupling transformer
High ON-hook
impedance is obtained by off-hook mechanical relay.
Handshake tone is
produced after 1.8 seconds when the off-hook relay is turned on.
Characteristics for
Battery-feed voltage
and loop current: 24 volt and 25 mA
inputting telephone number
Dial tone and
ring-back tone
Disconnect signal
All other signals
required for alarm receivers.
The interface
signals: Receive Data, Transmit Data, Data Set Ready, Clear-to-send, and
ground. The Data Terminal Ready signal is forced high at LS15E+ meaning that a
PC is always ready to receive data from LS15E+.
Cable(9-pin M/9-pin
F) is provided.
Received alarm
messages are computed for the checksum.
Adapter(provided with LS15E+): 117VAC +/- 5%, or 230VAC +/- 5%(for optional
230V AC/DC Adapter)
AC/DC Adapter or Car
Battery Adapter input: 12VDC unregulated, 800mA maximum
Line Status Display:
red LED for each line to indicate off-hook status (continuous on)
Calibration: not
required because digitally synthesized tones
Power-On Indicator:
green LED display
Dimensions: 19 cm
(4") W x 4.5 cm (1.75") H x 10 cm (7.5") L
Weight: 400g (0.8
Operating temperature: 0 to 35 degree C, Humidity: 85% RH at 35 degree C
Warranty/Service: 6 months
limited warranty. No warranty if any factory seal is broken. Service is
performed at the factory, usually within 5 working days.
Options and Accessories:
Ethernet interface similar to model LS15ETH to transmit
DC-09 IP messages to servers
Car Battery Adapter
230V input AC/DC
Adapter (117V input unit is a standard.)
USB/RS232 adapter cable (virtual RS232 port at PC)
Reference: Digital Communication Standard-SIA
DC-05-1999.09, Ademco Contact ID Protocol for Alarm System Communications
software: WLS15E.exe
Output format selection:
interface with
Automation Protocol compatible with acknowledge signal and heart beat. The
2-digit receiver number and one digit line number is programmable with
Format: 5 (Receiver number for 2 digits)(Line number for 1 digit) (space character)
1 8 (4-digits account number) E (event code)(zone and partition)
Example: 5011
184569E11012345 <14>
Raw input (sixteen characters) signal
Alarm receiving software:
Standard alarm receiver software, that is provided
at no charge, “as is” with no support, no liability, and no support from Micro
Seven, in Windows operating system that receives and decodes caller-ID
information and Contact ID alarm messages displays caller’s telephone number,
name, date, nature of alarm messages on PC screen. The software also stores the
same information as a text file. Any additional software requirement is custom.
We provide no liability using all our
products for alarm receiving and alarm receiving software to
all people and companies including alarm panel users, alarm central station,
telephone companies, and all distributors.
As an optional feature, dialing telephone numbers
and delivering Contact-ID messages to other alarm receivers is available.
Other alarm products:
Micro Seven, Inc.
1095-K N.E. 25th Hillsboro, OR 97124 U.S.A.
PHONE: 503-693-6982, FAX: 503-693-9742
Home Page: www.microseveninc.com
Email: sales@microseveninc.com
alarm receivers and related products
connections of CT10 and CM10 with alarm panels and PC are shown below.