Here are two methods for starting Contact-ID
Metod 1:
The manual switch option for AP15, AP70, AP80 and other dialer allows starting alarm panel operations for Contact-ID without connecting serial interface cable and executing demo programs. Alarm message and telephone numbers are required to be stored in non-volatile memory.
Recycle power if power is on.
Use HyperTerminal or equivalent.
Set up 9600 baud.
Enter WAC00 to load alarm message and telephone number for storing in non-volatile memory.
Enter “S” and alarm message and carriage return (0xd)
Enter “D” and telephone number and carriage return (0xd)
Recycling the power loads data memory from non-volatile memory.
To confirm your entries:
“U” returns your programmed alarm message.
“T” returns your programmed telephone number.
To start manual switch operation, just push the red start button.
Note: If you program new
alarm messages and telephone numbers without the command “WAC00”, non-volatile
memory is not affected.
There is a
new AP15Demo1A is available at:
At almost
the end of the brochure, click “Download manual and software”.
“AP15Demo1A” as shown below: Enter telephone number and alarm message in their
edit window, and click “Store Data in non-volatile memory”. Exit the app and
recycle power of AP15.
Connect a
telephone cord between AP15 and telephone line.
Push the
front panel button on AP15 to start dialing and sending contact-ID message.