Price list Micro Seven, Inc. effective 03-26-25
Micro Seven, Inc, Portland, Oregon U.S.A.
Phone: 503-645-3942

Copyrights Micro Seven, Inc., 2024

Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc

Your order procedure:
Complete the order sheet and email to us.

All our products are custom products, and we accept no return nor order cancellation. All software products are on lease.

Warranty is six months. No warranty offered to non-original customers.

Products with encryption features are available for US customers only.

Micro Seven does not provide any product liability.

New product:  CA10, Cellular Adapter, $195 plus shipping

General Products:

CP200, low-cost alarm panel with loop, sound and panic $300, optional temperature/humidity monitoring additional $100 or External temperature/humidity box, BT30 with wall-mount bracket $175, and optional Internet/Wi-Fi programming and reporting $100
QP20, Panic Switch/Alarm,  panic button and sound detection, $225

Internet Protocol Products:

IP108 IP message generator that converts telephone message to IP messages for Contact-ID, SIA-FSK 1, or Pulse 4+2 $400, IP108-EQT with encryption, $450
IP104, IP alarm panel, loop input and sound detect, IP $400
IP105, alarm monitor for existing alarm panel connection and sending IP messages for Contact-ID, SIA-FSK 1, or Pulse 4+2  alarm messages, IP and RS232 $400.00, IP105server.exe (dedicated) $100
ER15A-IP105-3 hardware IP receiver, receiving three protocols and history file production $400
EM15, Alarm receiver/simulator with FXS interface for Contact- IP Alarm Message Transmitter-Ethernet in TCP and UDP $400
ER15A, IP Alarm Receiver, TCP and UDP $350
ER15A-EQT, IP Alarm Receiver with encryption, TCP and UDP $450
LS15ETH, IP Alarm Message Transmitter-Ethernet, FXS and FXO $565
ED10.exe, AES Text-Encrypt/Decrypt, IP Message and Email Transmission PC App, $50
IP Message Server Device for Decrypting and Storage hardware, Ethernet/Network interface, model ED12 $300
IP Message Server PC App for Decrypting and Storage, app model ED11.exe, $45
DC09Tester, with DC09 transmitter as IP client and receiver as IP server in Windows software for testing your DC09 products, $400 per year lease, one week demo lease $250
DC09Tester-EQT, with DC09 transmitter with encryption and receiver in Windows software for testing your DC09 products, $500 one year lease, one week demo lease $300, still only available for U.S. companies and US foreign offices.
RAP15-4, IP Telephone Dialer, receiving DC09 type encrypted IP messages, building and dialing/transmitting Contact-ID messages,  $400
AP30, new,
RS232/IP Transmitter, for transmitting TCP-DC-09 type messages  into Ethernet/Internet with RS232 interface, Tektone Nurse-Call-System software compatible with AP15 $400

Alarm Receiver for iPhone® and testing alarm panels

PCB001A, (new) alarm receivers printed circuit assembly, custom engineering sample $2000+
(new) CT10A and CM10A, Contact-ID and Pulse 4+2 Alarm Receiver $300-new low price
CT400, 4-port Contact-ID alarm receiver $530, CT300-IP Ethernet/Internet $800
CT800, 8-port Contact-ID alarm receiver $940, CT800-IP Ethernet/Internet $1040
CM10, Contact-ID Alarm Receiver with simulated telephone line $300-new low price
AR101, stand-alone alarm receiver, $470
LS15K(new), SIA-FSK-F2, SIA-Pulse (P1, P2, P3, and P4) and Contact-ID receiver $500
LS15-E+, Contact ID alarm-receiver, one simulated CO line and one modem port, $500
LS15-E+_TRIPLE Contact ID, 4+2 pulse and SIA-FSK F1 format alarm-receiver, one simulated CO line and one modem port, $700
IP107, alarm receiver with LCD and audio monitor for Contact-ID, Pulse 4+2, and SIA FORMAT $575.00, optional Ethernet/Internet interface additional $200.00
LS15-E/LS15-F, Contact ID alarm-receiver, two simulated CO lines with 2-way audio $400
LS15 SIA FORMAT, SIA FORMAT alarm-receiver, two simulated CO lines with 2-way audio/listen-in model $400.00
LS110-2E, NEW-Stand-alone Alarm Panel Tester with 16x2 LCD display for displaying Contact-ID and Pulse 4X2 modes alarm messages for both Contact-ID and Pulse 4X2 modes $500
AR100(new) 4-port alarm receivers for
Contact-ID, Pulse 4+2 and SIA-FORMAT F1. $1200.00, IP option +$100

TestSystem, System TS101 with AP70, LS15E+TRIPLE, and software of one year lease, $1800

Telephone Alarm Dialers from PC and iPhone:

RAP15-4, new-IP Telephone Dialer, receiving DC09 type encrypted IP messages, building and dialing/transmitting Contact-ID messages,  $600
AP15-4, Contact-ID message dialer or Alarm-Panel Simulator $450, manual switch option add $50
AP15-Wall-mount $450
RAP15-3, http message inputted telephone and IP dialer $585
AP30, new,
RS232/IP Transmitter, for transmitting TCP-DC-09 type messages  into Ethernet/Internet with RS232 interface, Tektone Nurse-Call-System software compatible with AP15 $650
alarm message dialer or Alarm-Panel Simulator of  Contact-ID, SIA-FSK Format F2, and Pulse Format P1, P2, P3, P4 and programmable pulse format $600
AP72, automatic dialer of  central station lines for
Contact-ID,SIA-FSK Format F1 & F2 (new), and pulse 4X2 alarm message dialer or Alarm-Panel Simulator, $900, IP option: Add $300
AP72 monitor.exe software of 2048 line telephone line testing, $500 per year lease

AP70, Contact-ID,SIA-FSK Format F1, and pulse 4X2 alarm message dialer or Alarm-Panel Simulator $600, automatic dialing of 104 telephone numbers $500 a year lease
SKU number: 45715695141 for AP70 with optional software of automatic dialing of 104 telephone number
SKU number: 45715695152 for AP70
AP70+ contains both telephone and Ethernet interfaces for sending alarm messages by RS232 commands in Contact-ID,SIA-FSK Format F1, and pulse 4X2 to central stations 1000, encryption +$200
AP80 Contact-ID,SIA-Format, and pulse 4X2 alarm message dialer or Alarm-Panel Simulator, USB interface and USB powered $500
4-port PC-ALARM or Alarm-Panel Simulator for dialing and sending various alarm messages to four central stations simultaneously. Protocols include Contact-ID, Pulse 4+2 and SIA-FORMAT F1. All four lines may run auto-dialers for 104 telephone lines, $1600.00. IP option, +$200,  is also available for sending error reports. Contact us for a lower price for less lines, less protocols, or less option.
Note: Export of AES Encryption option for IP alarm message transmission/reception unit may require export control certificate or may not be available for export. Furthermore, additional fee may be charged.
TestSystem, System TS101 with AP70, LS15E+TRIPLE, and software of one year lease, $1800

Encryptions and DC09 related products:

ED10.exe, AES Text-Encrypt/Decrypt, IP Message and Email Transmission PC App, $50
IP Message Server Device for Decrypting and Storage hardware, Ethernet/Network interface, model ED12 $300
IP Message Server PC App for Decrypting and Storage, app model ED11.exe, $45
DC09Tester, with DC09 transmitter as IP client and receiver as IP server in Windows software for testing your DC09 products, $400 per year lease, one week demo lease $250
DC09Tester-EQT, with DC09 transmitter with encryption and receiver in Windows software for testing your DC09 products, $500 one year lease, one week demo lease $300, still only available for U.S. companies and US foreign offices.

Telephone line simulators and MINI-PBX SIMULATORs

LS25, cheapest Telephone Line Simulator, $295
LS15-C1, general-purpose, 2-line telephone line simulator $400
LS15, 2-line, battery-operated, hand-held telephone line simulator, caller-ID, pseudo-line impairment with random noise $560
LS15-1, 2-line, battery-less version of LS15 $470
LS110-4, lower cost 4-line $575
LS200-8A, 8-line LS200A $1450
LS200-8C, 8-line LS200A, with 20Hz ring signal, all-line dual frequency call progress tone and multi-line DTMF dialer options $1,750
$200 for adding caller-ID
LS300-2, $1,651
LS300-1 with Caller-ID & RS232 $1,788
LS300-3 with Line Impairment $2,100
LS300-4 with Line Impairment and caller-ID with RS232 $2,428
LS300-5 with Ademco Contact-ID alarm panel testing/development and Line Impairment and caller-ID with RS232 $3,028

Alarm Monitors:

ATS1000, Alarm Test System monitors outgoing alarm signals and transmitting IP messages, starting IP105-3 for three protocols or IP105, IP server software (ip105server.exe), and IP hardware server ER15A and AP15X, Contact-ID dial simulator

Other products:


CD15, caller-ID receiver with RS232C interface $400

Options for MINI-PBX SIMULATORs for LS15-C, LS100, and LS200

International AC/DC adapter (90-264V,47-63Hz with US, BK, European, and
 Australian power plug): $50
Serial interface option for LS15-1 and LS15-C1, LS100 and LS200: $125
USB/RS232 adapter option (virtual communication port at PC): $50
Adjustable Ring Signal Option (20Hz ring signal option): $200
Line Impairment Option 1, with envelope delay distortion, random noise, frequency attenuation characteristics $600
Line Impairment Option 1 & 2, bi-directional impairment with envelope delay distortion, random noise, frequency attenuation characteristics $900
Total line impairment option for LS200-8(line impairment options for all eight lines) $2,600
230V Power Supply Option $50
40V Battery Feed Option for LS200 $200